From Experience
Experience the Difference
Crafting Experiences, Shaping Memories

When we give something to someone and they do not give it back, or when we do not give what we have received from someone, it will be received in multiples from another person.

The world will honor us if we strive not to let anyone be affected like us, and if no enemy arises like this, instead of seeking revenge on those who have harmed us.

Success is certain: With a goal comes enthusiasm, which leads to searching for knowledge. Knowledge builds belief, belief improves skills, skills lead to action, and action brings success.

Success is certain: When our desires and dreams are aligned with goals and include the welfare of others, success is guaranteed.

Who is our leader? The teacher gives knowledge, the trainer gives skills, the guide gives good character, and the one who gives all these is our leader.

Speed and haste: Completing each part of the task on time is speed. Trying to finish everything at the last moment is haste.

Time management: If we struggle to manage time, the first step is to wake up early in the morning and go to bed on time at night, following a steady and fixed routine.

Great goodness: We can often spot bad things, but to achieve great things, we must focus on big good things and avoid the small ones. Small good things can sometimes ruin big good things.

Problem? Instead of saying that you must fix the mistake caused by the employee, when you say that you must win this challenge, it becomes easier to solve.

Growing a business: If you do the work and position you have with love, bigger business and growth will come to you naturally.

For a business to succeed: Give the customer less than what they value our product at, and give the employee more than what they value their work.

To promote Tamil: We must ensure that we speak in Tamil at meetings where those who know Tamil fully or to the maximum participate. To protect Tamil, to grow Tamil, we will speak in Tamil.

Who do we create? If we tell employees what and how to do, we can create workers. But if we give them a goal and guide them on what not to do, we can create leaders.

To protect Tamil: We should use Tamil in daily tools like computers, the internet, apps, and machines, as the main or secondary language, because things not used may be removed.

Self-satisfaction: If we use our time and resources, as well as those of others, fully and respectfully for both ourselves and them, bringing about benefits, that is where success and true self-satisfaction lie.

Everything is dust: Without honesty in thought, speech, and action, no matter how much knowledge we have, experience we gain, or wealth we collect, it is all useless – everything is dust.

The God for us: The collection of our good thoughts and intentions is our God.

Fate and bad times are for average workers, but they don't affect hard workers.
(Jawaharlal Kamalavalli Muthu) is a visionary first-generation entrepreneur with a steadfast focus on creating and nurturing new ventures, products, and services.
With an unwavering commitment to making the world a better place, JK Muthu believes in driving constructive change and fostering a positive environment for all.
Madurai, Tamil Nadu 625020