BRANDPro - Brand Protection
A brand is an identity of any organization to set it apart from the rest of similar typed marks. A brand image and popularity are essential for boosting its stand in the industry and capturing the market. It helps to enjoy a distinct identity among the rivals and competitors in the industry. Brands let people identify easily with your offerings from the rest of your competitors.
Why Brand Protection is Important?
People interact with advertisements every day where the brand names are prominent and etched in the minds of the consumers. People take ages to build a business. But all it takes to lose that fame is a counterfeit product of the same name in the market. A brand is a marketing asset and like any valuable asset, a brand too needs protection. The reputation of a business too can get ruined if brand protection is not taken up. Brand Protection can be described as a security measure that safeguards your brand from piracy, counterfeiters, and infringers.
We at BGrow Services provide effective brand protection strategies comprises of
Trademark Analyses
Google Analysis
E-Commerce Analysis
Web and Domain Analysis
Our team knows brand protection involves more than securing mark protection. We have acted as the sole advisers on well-acclaimed brands across a range of sectors. Our holistic approach enables us to guide clients through the entire life cycle of a brand.
Why BrandPro?
Though the brands have been successfully registered, there arises a need to continuously monitor the brand's usage so as to check for non-infringements. For this purpose, we have created a service “Brand Pro“.
Every day several Trademark registrations are done in various classes. Sometimes there is an opportunity or tendency to register the same or similar brand. If we fail to monitor regularly, then we may lose our brand’s ownership. So we must keep a close watch on our brand to be protected. “BRAND Pro” protects your brand not only in the Trademark Act, it also in searches on the web, Social Media Pages, and E-commerce portals. Through this, we check applications and monitor the usage of the registered brands to prohibit the creation of new ones so that the sole ownership of the brands belongs only to the original owner. In case, the opposition creates a counterfeit and continues to use it without registering the brand, we also take up required measures by checking various portals to cease such actions. This scrutiny is taken care of through the following tasks;
Monitoring the Trademarks and Logos
This is done by monitoring the Related Classes of New Trademark Applications and Status Changes.
Monitoring in Logos / Devices
This is done in compliance with the Controller General of Copyright Act.
Monitoring in Web Domain and Mobile App:
Monitoring with .com, .in, .net, co. in
Android and iOS.
Monitoring in Google
Google Search, GMB Listing, Google Reviews and Hashtags.
Monitoring in Social Pages such as FaceBook, Instagram, YouTube, Twitter, and Linkedin.
Monitoring in E-Commerce Platforms
E-commerce Platforms: Amazon, Flipkart.
Through this service, we provide 360° protection coverage for the brands. This is one of the major USP of our BGrow Services.
We work with businesses from the outset, conducting clearance searches, and filing and prosecuting trademark applications, to handling oppositions and invalidity actions. We have experience implementing licensing structures. We also advise on tackling brand misuse and enforcement, in physical and online marketplaces.