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Trademark Application Filing

The trademark registration Form TM-1 is submitted along with the mandatory documents. However, the documents may vary depending on the nature of the concern.

  • If it is a sole proprietary concern, the documents required are

  • Proprietor Aadhar, PAN card, Photo

  • Gst Certificate Copy or Msme Certificate copy

  • If the concern is a partnership firm, the documents required are

  • Application Form filled and Signed by you (as Attached)  

  • Attach the Brand Name / Logo in JPEG format. (100 kb x 8 cm x 8 cm)

  • KYC of Partners (Including Aadhar, PAN, and Photo)

  • KYC of Organization (Including Gst, Pan, Partnership Deed, Udyam Certificate)

  • Noc Letter for Trademark process

  • Sale Invoice / Receipt (1st, Middle, Latest )

  • If any advertisement published page for the Brand “TAJMAHAL”

  • Web Domain Registration copy

  • Online promotion proof

  • If it is a company, then the following documents are required

  • Application Form filled and Signed by you (as Attached)

  • Attach the Brand Name / Logo in JPEG format. (100 kb x 8 cm x 8 cm)

  • Udyam Certificate copy 

  • Private Limited company PAN Card Copy

  • MOA & AOA

  • GST Certificate copy

  • Certificate of Incorporation

  • PAN Card, Aadhar Card, and Photo Copies  For All Directors

  • NOC Letter

  • Board Resolution Letter.

  • 1-St Sales Invoices (DD//MM/YY).

  • Submit the trademark application online.

Trademark Filing

Trademark registration can be obtained for a business name, distinctive catchphrases, taglines, or captions. Properly used and promoted, a Trademark may become an intangible asset of any organization. It is used by the company or individual to create an identity and authenticity for their brand. It tells the public that this is a particular brand he/she is looking for by distinguishing it from the available rest thus making it trustworthy. It enables an enterprise to protect the brand in order to prevent anybody else from taking advantage of it.

Uses of a Trademark

  • To make your brand recognizable and easy to advertise while also differentiating it from that of your competitors.

  • Gives you exclusive ownership rights and protects against infringement

  • To protect brand value, build trust, and optimise goodwill thus creating a valuable Intangible asset

  • Marketing your products or services becomes easy as your brand becomes recognizable with the help of your trademark.

How is Trademark Registration Done?

The trademark registration process in India includes multiple steps and throughout this process, the trademark application is marked with different trademark statuses. We shall look into its important aspects.

Verification in Classes

Before filing a trademark application, it is necessary to identify the classes in which one wishes to seek protection for their trademark. An application should be made in the relevant classes of current goods/services as well as in classes where there is intent to use.

One of the primary stages of trademark registration is the collection of documents, drafting, and filing of the trademark application which will take 2-3 working days. Once the trademark is applied for, one can start using the “TM” sign alongside the brand name or logo as mentioned in the application. The following is a stepwise explanation of how the procedure is carried on.

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Happy Customer Speaks

Movita - Feel safe in a good hand.. Your team Varthini....doing good follow up. Good luck.

Mr. R. Saravana Kumaran

Ags thangamaligai -  Very sincere work... Thanks a lot to your team

Mr. Anandan

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