Trademark Registration:
According to the trademark rules of India, items like sounds, logos, words, phrases, colors, images, symbols, initials, or a combination of all these can be trademarked. All of these should be used to make your business stand out from the rest.
A trademark application can be done by private firms, individuals, companies, LLP’s, or NGOs. In the case of NGOs, LLP, or companies, the trademark has to be applied for registration in the name of the concerned business.
A trademark is nothing but an exclusive right given to the owner of a work for his exclusive usage. In simple if you register under a trademark, no third party can copy it. what all can be registered as under the Trademark Act.
1. Company Name: You can register your company name under trademark registration. Provided if it is unique and not similar to any other trademark.
2. Brand Name: One company may hold plenty of brands. These are very very important. Because your brands are the face of your Company.
3. Personal Name: In general, a personal name cannot be protected if it is very common. But in certain cases, because of popular and long use, it can also be registered.
4. Abbreviations: Even you can get protection for the abbreviation of a company name if it is unique. A2B.
5. Logos: In plenty of cases, the log would be more popular and powerful even as compared with its company name or brand name.
6. Taglines: It’s a short note about the product, which gives a dramatic description of the product.
7. Signs: In some cases even very small signs, but because of vast marketing, it would have become very popular and that has become a representation of the company.
Non-Traditional Trademarks
1. Sound Mark: In certain cases, the certain sound itself creates a great representation of the brand. So even those sounds can be trademarks under Sound mark.
2. Smell Mark: There are some special cases where a smell in a mark can create recognition eg. such the Kushboo brand.